03 Implementation Research
Framework to Assess the Impact from Translational health research (FAIT) is a novel framework specifically developed to encourage research translation and measure and report on research impact in a multi-dimensional way.
Learning objectives & FAIT Background
Research Impact Frameworks
FAIT and its aims
Key terms
Apply FAIT prospectivley
Other resources related to FAIT and translation
Implementation Research Modules
Learning objectives & Program Logic Model (PLM)
Step 1: Identifying the need
Step 2: Specifying the aims
Step 3: Describing the Research Activities
Step 4: Outlining the Research Outputs
Step 5: Considering the End Users
Step 6: Pathways to Adoption
Step 7: Anticipating the Impact
The completed logic model
Recommended Resources
Learning objectives & Process and Output Metrics
Developing Process and Output Metrics
Learning Objectives & The Modified Payback Framework
Impact Metrics for VALID BP Project
Developing Impact Metrics
Developing Impact Metrics – Example 1
Developing Impact Metrics – Example 2
Developing your own Payback Metrics
Practical tools
Learning Objectives & Introduction to Economic Evaluation: The Cost Benefit Analysis
An Alternative to CBA – Cost-Consequence Analysis
Another alternative – Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
FAIT and The Social Return on Investment Model
The Determination of Research and Implementation Costs
Microcosting/data collection
The Determination of Benefits and their Monetary Value
Further examples of expected impacts and possible valuations from health research
Technical Considerations & Projection/Simulation/Time Horizon
Real vs. Nominal Dollars
Sensitivity Analysis
Activity #11
Learning Objectives & What are narratives?
The main components of the narrative
Example 1
Example 2 (VALID BP Project) & Activity #12: Write your own narrative
Learning Objectives & Outcomes and FAIT Scorecard
Example 1: The SMARThealth intervention scorecard at the end of the project life cycle
Example 2: completed scorecard for the VALID BP Project & Activity #13
Validation of FAIT